A= Real estate agent/房地產代理員,E= Enquirer/詢問者
A︰Best Estate House. How may I help you?(最佳房地產屋,我可以幫您嗎?)
E︰I would like to know some information on apartment.(我要知道關于公寓的一些資料。)
A︰Would you like to rent or to buy,sir?(先生,您要租還是買呢?)
E︰To rent.(租。)
A︰What kind of apartment do you have in mind?(您有考慮什么樣的公寓呢?)
E︰Three bedrooms,two bathrooms,a large living area and must be not too far from the city centre.(3間臥房、2間沖涼房、一個大客廳及不要離市中心太遠。)
A︰Okay. What kind of rental are you looking at?(好的。你要怎樣的租金?)
E︰Roughly,RM1500 per month.(大約一個月1500令吉。)
A︰We have a lot of apartments around that price. Would you like to live in a high-rise building?(我們有很多那價錢的公寓。您要住在高層建築物嗎?)
E︰Not high-rise,please.(請不要高層。)
A︰The one I have in mind is very nice. Peaceful with lots of green around. The apartments are arranged in blocks of four. There is a huge swimming pool and various sports facilities.(在我想像中的公寓是個很好的地方。平靜及四周有很多花草樹木。公寓被排列成五座,有一個大泳池及各種運動設備。)
E︰It sounds very expensive.(聽起來很貴。)
A︰Not really. The rental is RM1500 per month.(不全然。租金是一個月1500令吉。)
E︰Not bad,I suppose. But I'll have to see it before I make a decision.(我料想不錯。不過在我做決定前,我必須先看看。)
E︰By the way,what do I have to pay initially?(另外,在之前我需要付什么呢?)
A︰Two-month rentals in advance and RM200 to cover the electricity and water bills.(兩個月的預付租金及200令吉覆蓋電及水費。)
E︰Is the apartment furnished or unfurnished?(那公寓是配置家私還是沒配置家私?)
A︰It is partial furnished.(它是局部配置家私。)
E︰Alright. When can I see the place?(好的。我什么時候可以看那地方?)
A︰I would have to contact the owner first. And if possible,we'll see this afternoon?(我先聯絡那屋主,或許我們可以在這個下午看?)
英文中 have in mind及 allowance用語分析:
1.Have in mind在中文的直接翻譯是︰記住、打算、考慮到、思念、思忖、存心等等。以下,讓我們來看看它的用語及其句中結構︰
a.What kind of condominium would you like?(您要什么樣的高級公寓?)
What kind of condominium do you have in mind?(您考慮到什么樣的高級公寓?)
b.The condominium I am thinking is in a peaceful neighbourhood.(我正在想的那高級公寓是在一個平靜的鄰近地區。)
The condominium which I have in mind is in a peaceful neighbourhood.(我考慮到的那高級公寓是在一個平靜的鄰近地區。)
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