



  1. Ctrl+T(open a new tab-打開一個新標籤)
  2. Ctrl+F(on page search-啟動本頁搜尋)
  3. Ctrl+C/V/X(text Copy,Paste,Cut-文本拷貝,粘貼,切割)
  4. Ctrl+Tab(jump through tabs-跳換標籤)
  5. Ctrl+Shift+T(restore the last closed tab-恢復上一次關閉的標籤)
  6. F11(full screen mode-全屏模式)
  7. Ctrl+L or Alt+D(highlight the address-圈選網址)
  8. Ctrl+D(bookmark current page-書籤當前頁)
  9. /(find as you type text-搜尋你鍵入文本)
  10. Esc (Stop-停止)
  11. Ctrl + K (brings cursor to search toolbar-把光標移動到搜索工具欄)
  12. Ctrl + + / Ctrl + Hyphen (increase/decrease text size-放大/縮小畫面)
  13. Ctrl + N (open a new Firefox window-打開一個新的Firefox視窗)
  14. CTRL + P (print page-打印此頁)
  15. Ctrl + R (reload current tab-重新載入當前標籤網頁)
  16. Ctrl + B (show bookmarks-顯示書籤)
  17. Ctrl + U (view page source-查看網頁原始碼)
  18. Ctrl + J (open download manager-開啟下載經理)
  19. Ctrl + [1 to 9] (change to the tab with this number-更換到這個數目的標籤)
  20. Ctrl + H (show browsing history-顯示瀏覽歷史記錄)

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